티스토리 뷰
Younger Script Downroad
Hey, can we talk just for a minute?
Sure.What's up?
Lauren and I went to go seeJosh's band play last night.What?
I don't want to interfere.I just... I hated seeing you so unhappy,and I just wanted to talk to him.And what did he say?
Just that you never reallylet him get to know you.
That's true.Maybe I didn't.Look, I know we all wantto be the perfect girlin a relationship.
So maybe you just need tolet Josh see the real you,not just the good stuff.
You know, even the parts of youthat you're not so proud of.
That isn't always that easy for me.
Don't hold back.Get messy.
Show him the full Liza.I don't think that it's too late
You're a real friend, Kelsey.The best I've made in a long time.
I feel the same way about you.Thank you.I'll get those numbers for you.
Wow. Champagne
.Here's to a wonderful partnership
.I don't want you to feelbad about this, Liza.
You're doing the right thing.How can I not feel badabout sharing company secrets?
We both know you'll do whateverit takes to get an edge.Besides, if Diana knew the truth,she'd have you blackballed from publishing.
There might even be a lawsuit.
You're right.Well...Here you are.
What's this?
Oh, sweetie, it's our email exchange
.It's you asking for all of Empirical'sprofit and loss and marketing numbers.
This goes straight toGawker unless you back off.
You'd be ruined too.I'd lose a shitty assistant job.
You're the one who loses everything.
I wonder how long you thinkyou can really get away with this
.I guess we'll find out.Is he home?
No, he's not here.Will you give him this?
I'll see what I can do, ma'am.I did it.Now he knows everything.
Honey, I'm gonna be waiting for youwith a big sign in baggage claim tomorrow.
Mom, I cannot wait to come home.I miss you so much.
I miss you too, sweetheart.
You're gonna love staying at Maggie's.
You know, somehow I can'timagine you in Brooklyn.
You must be the least hip person there.
Well, I may surprise you.Hey.So you wore polka dots to prom, huh?
I'm gonna hand you over to Maggie.
She wants to say hello.I'll see you tomorrow.- I can't wait.- Me too.
Big kiss.Hey, Caitlin, I hearyou got a new roommate.
Hi. Hold on one second, okay?
Hi.Hey.I wanted to tell you so many times.
You have no idea.So why didn't you?
I was afraid.Afraid you would suddenlythink I was someone I wasn't.But I'm exactly who you think I am
.I just...I just don't know.Look, I'm not expecting for usto pick up right where we left off.All I'm asking for is a new beginning.
And how would that go, exactly?
Hi, I'm Liza Miller.I'm 40, I'm divorced,and I have an 18-year-olddaughter named Caitlin
.It's nice to meet you, Liza.So, uh...
You want to get a cup of coffee?I would love that.

[영어 공부 자료/프렌즈 자료] - 미드 프렌즈 전시즌 영어대본 다운로드
미드 프렌즈 전시즌 영어대본 다운로드
한국인들의 영어교과서라고 할 수 있는 미국 대표 드라마프렌즈 시즌1~10 전시즌 영어 대본입니다. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 프렌즈 시즌 10 -1 화 영어대본 참고하세요 1001. The One After Joey And Rachel Kiss [Scene:
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