Mia and Sebastian resume walking. Now, at full volume -- MIA I started putting on plays in my garage. I'd write the scripts and print up programs, and she'd give me props to use from wherever she'd just been -- New York, London, Paris. And then she'd jet off again and I wouldn't hear from her for another year. SEBASTIAN Who would you invite to watch? Your parents? MIA God no -- I didn't invite a..

영어대본 The devil wears PRADA Good luck. Hi. Uh, I have an appointmentwith Emily Charlton? - Andrea Sachs?- Yes. Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor. Follow me. Okay, so I was Miranda'ssecond assistant... but her first assistant recently got promoted,and so now I'm the first. - Oh, and you're replacing yourself.- Well, I am trying. Miranda sacked the last two girlsafter only ..

Gillmore girs Script 길모어걸스 시즌1 영어/ 한글 대본 길모어걸스 시즌2 영어/ 한글 대본 길모어걸스 시즌3 영어/ 한글 대본 길모어걸스 시즌4 영어/ 한글 대본 길모어걸스 시즌5 영어/ 한글 대본 길모어걸스 시즌6 영어/ 한글 대본 길모어걸스 시즌7 영어/ 한글 대본 (Lorelai, Rory, and Emily Gilmore are sitting around the dinner table.) LORELAI: So where'd you say Dad was? EMILY: Away on business. LORELAI: Location's top secret? EMILY: Oh, Germany. LORELAI: Germany. Is Dad's firm insuring Nazis now?..

Get 을 이용한 영어 필수 표현 get 1) I don’t get.... : 난 ~이 이해가 안돼 => 어떤 사람이나 상황, 또는 상대방이 한 말이 이해가 안된다고 말하고 싶을 때 ex) 난 네가 이해가 안돼. I don’t get you 난 걔가 왜 그런 말을 했는지 이해 안돼. I don’t get why she said that. 난 네가 무슨 말을 하고 있는지 이해 안돼. I don’t get what you’re talking about. 난 이 문제가 이해 안돼. 답이 뭐야? I don’t get this question. What’s the answer. 난 방금 여기서 무슨 일이 일어난 건지 이해 안돼. I don’t get what just happened her..

0. Once... “일단... 하면” 라는 표현을 할 때 Once you lose someone's trust, it's really hard to get it back 일단신용을 잃으면 만회하기가 정말 힘들다 Once he makes up his mind to do something, he does it. 일단 한다고 하면 그는 한다. Once you open that window, you'll never be able to close it. 일단 그 창문을 닫으면, 두 번 다시 닫을 수 없게 된다. Once I start eating potato chips, it's hard for me to stop 일단 포테이토칩을 먹기 시작하면 좀처럼 멈출 수가 없다 1.I need.... “...이 필요하다..

Survival of the fittest. It's the law of the jungle. always someone trying to take what's yours. How do I know? It almost happened to me. Tim Templeton... quit monkeying around. Hot dogs are getting cold. Hot dogs? At least, this is how I remember it. All right, buddy, let's eat. You see, I was seven years old... and back then, you relied on your imagination. When I wasn't exploring the Congo.....