We bare bears 시즌 1-22 애완동물가게 ▼ 위베어베어스 1-22 mp3 파일 ▼ ▼ 위베베 1-22 한영대본 ▼ Mom, look! Aw! 엄마, 저것 봐요! Hello! Pick me! -Ow! 안녕! 날 골라! I'm a good one! Just look at how cute I am! 내가 그나마 괜찮아 얼마나 귀여운지 봐봐! I'm cute, too! 나도 귀여워! And I'm hypoallergenic! Pick me! 게다가 저자극성이야! 날 골라! hypoallergenic 저자극성인 Pick me! -Over here! - 날 골라! - 여기야! Me! Pick me! Over here! - 나를 골라! - 여기야! Just pick me! 날 고르라니까 Dang it. L..

We bare bears 시즌 1-23 컵케이크 일자리 목차 [Max] Here! [Gloria] Lock the door! - 여기야! - 문 잠가! What do we do? 이제 어쩌지? Gloria, listen, I have a confession to make. 글로리아, 고백할 게 있어 confession 자백,고백 It was I who released the virus. 바이러스를 살포한 건 나였어 released 발출된,해방시킨 release 석방하다,해방시키다 My fault, me! 내 탓이라고! No, no! Say it ain't true, Max! 설마, 말도 안 돼! 거짓말이라고 해, 맥스! ain't = am not의 단축형 Stop! Pause, pause, pause! ..

Modern Family 2x01 : The Old Wagon Claire : Honey, do you need me to move the car? Phil : Ho, no! It's nothing. I'm alright. Oh no! Iron cross Claire : Oh God... Phil... You okay? Phil : Yes. I am. I am okay. Claire : Honey, why do we keep this car? Phil : It's a classic! Claire : No, it just sits here. And the seatbelts don't work. The doors stick. It leaks fluids. We haven't put fluids in it i..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3x01 : Dude Ranch Captain :We're beginning our initial descent into Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Thank you for flying United. Phil : Reckon we'll be landing soon. Claire : Phil, honey, you promised... not till we got there. Phil : This year, we're going to a dude ranch with the whole family. Claire : Mm-hmm. The family. Haley : What if Dyl..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 굿 플레이스 시즌 1: 13화 마이클의 한 수 [Dave] Morning, Mike. How's it hanging? 좋은 아침이에요, 마이크 잘 지내요? Oh. Fine, Dave, just fine. 잘 지내요, 데이브, 좋아요 Listen, we got the files for the new crop of incoming, 새로 들어오는 사람들 명단을 받았어요 and the Big Guy thinks it's time for you to fly solo. 그리고 위에서는 당신이 독립할 때가 됐다고 생각해요 I get to design it myself? 제가 직접 설계한다고요? You've been an apprentice long enough...

프렌즈 시즌2-01 한글파일 프렌즈 시즌2-01 메모장파일 프렌즈 시즌2-01 MP3파일 목차 201. The One With Ross' New Girlfriend Opening Credits Phoebe: Ok, so this is pretty much what's happened so far. Ross was in love with Rachel since, you know, forever, but every time he tried to tell her, something kind of got in the way, like cats, and Italian guys. Finally Chandler was like "forget about her" but when Ross was in China on h..