어린이 영어공부할때 많이 활용되는 컨텐츠인 자료입니다. 대화내용이 짧고 어렵지 않아 어린이 뿐만 아니라 초급자 분들에게도 적합합니다. 페파피그 대본 일부 Peppa’s Christmas Narrator: It is Christmas Eve. Peppa and George are going to post their letters to Father Christmas. Peppa Pig and George: Yahoo! Peppa Pig and George: Yeehah! Narrator: Here are Peppa’s friends. Danny Dog: Race you to the post box. The Children: Yahoo! The Children: Yeehaa! Narrator: The chil..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 How I Met Your Mother s01e11 Episode Script OLDER TED: Kids, the thing about New Year's Eve is that it sucks. Sure it looks great on TV. But in reality, it's always just a big letdown. But in 2005, I attempted to do the impossible: To give my friends a great New Year's Eve. I had an idea of how to do it, too, and all it cost was half my Ch..

How I met your mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 How I Met Your Mother s01e22 Episode Script OLDER TED: It was May of 2006 in New York City, and life was good. But everything was about to change . So what do you think? Robin again? T ed, the universe clearly does not want you and Robin to be together. Don't piss off the universe. The universe will slap you. Don't you think the universe has more ..

We bare bears 시즌 1-10 놈놈의 방문 위베어베어스 1-10 mp3 파일 ▼ 위베베 1-10 전반부 한영대본 ▼ Ooh. Dude, there's a new Nom Nom video! 놈놈이 새 영상 올렸어! Isn't that the koala who threw you out of his limo? 널 리무진에서 쫓아낸 그 코알라 아냐? limo(=LIMOUSINE) 리무진 threw 던졌다(throw 과거) That guy's a butt. 못됐잖아 butt 들이받다, 표적 Well, yeah, I don't like him personally, but I still like his videos. Just watch. 응, 사적으로는 별론데 영상은 좋아하거든! 봐 personally 개인..

We bare bears 시즌 1-11 조용한 닌자들 한영대본 위베어베어스 1-11 mp3 파일 ▼ 위베베 1-11 전반부 한영대본 ▼ Hey, we're not in the center. Turn back. 가운데가 아니야 돌아가자 Oh, boy. 좋았어 I've been waiting two years for this movie. 이 영화 나오길 2년은 기다렸어 I've been playing the trailer on loop as I sleep. 자면서도 트레일러 틀어놨다니까 loop 고리,올가미 as I sleep 잠결에 Oh, yeah. Sorry. 응, 미안 Welcome to the feature presentation. Please be courteous. "매너 있는 관람을 합시다" 쾌..

We bare bears 시즌 1-12 친구만들기 대작전 (1) 한영대본 위베어베어스 1-12 mp3 파일 ▼ 위베베 1-12 전반부 한영대본 ▼ Running? -Mm-mmm. 달리기? No, a plane! Oh, a bird! 아니, 비행기! 새! Yeah, yeah, but what kind of bird? 맞아, 근데 무슨 새일까? Hey, no talking. -Sorry. - 야, 말하기 금지야 - 미안 Uh... I don't know, man. 모르겠어 Pass. Time. - 패스 - 시간 끝 Dude, a penguin. I was a penguin. 야, 펭귄이잖아 펭귄이었다고 Ballet. Uh... 발레 Mm... Robot! 로봇! A rolling pin? 밀방망이? A li..