Finding Nemo Script NEMO : First day of school! First day of school! Wake up, wake up! C'mon, first day of school! MARLIN : I don't wanna go to school. Five more minutes. NEMO : Not you, dad. Me! MARLIN : Okay...huh? NEMO : Get up, get up! It's time for school! It's time for school! It's time for school! It's time for school! Oh boy! Oh boy' MARLIN : All right, I'm up NEMO : Oh boy--whoa! MARLIN..

Bigbang theory 영어 스크립트 시즌1 Bigbang theory 영어 스크립트 시즌2 Bigbang theory 영어 스크립트 시즌3 Leonard: Why do I always have to carry the heavy stuff? Sheldon: Well, it’s very simple. In our ragtag band of scientists with nothing to lose, I’m the smart one, Wolowitz is the funny one, and Koothrappali is the lovable foreigner who struggles to understand our ways and fails. That leaves you, by default, as the m..

위기의 주부들 1시즌 1화 : Pilot Desperate Housewives – 1시즌 2화 Desperate Housewives 1시즌 3화 Preston: Mom! 엄마! Lynette: Not now, Mommy's threatening Daddy. 지금은 안돼, 아빠를 협박하는 중이거든. Preston: Mom. 엄마. Lynette: No, I -- where are your brothers? 안돼, 엄만... 니 형들은 어디갔니? (They're walking down an aisle, throwing tons of food into the cart.) Porter: Noodles. My favorite. 국수. 내가 제일 좋아하는 거야. (Lynette goes off searching f..

Toy story 토이스토리 영어대본 다운로드 "TOY STORY" FADE IN: INT. ANDY'S BEDROOM A row of moving boxes lie on the floor of the room. They are drawn up in crayon to look like a miniature Western town. The bedroom is lined with cloud wallpaper giving the impression of sky. One of the boxes has a children's illustrated "WANTED" poster of a Mr. Potato Head taped to it. A MR. POTATO HEAD DOLL is set in front of th..

Terminal script Scene 1 Tannoy: United Airlines announcing the arrival of Flight 9435 form Beijing. Customer service representative, report to Gate C42. Tannoy: All visitors to the US should line up at booths one through 15. Officer #1: Please have your I-94 forms filled out. Officer #2: What's the purpose of your visit? Officer #3: What is the purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure? Office..

타이타닉 영어 대본 다운로드 타이타닉 한글 대본 다운로드 ANATOLY (heavy Russian accent) We are here. EXT. / INT. MIR ONE AND TWO 5 MINUTES LATER: THE TWO SUBS skim over the seafloor to the sound of sidescan sonar and the THRUM of big thrusters. 6 The featureless gray clay of the bottom unrols in the lights of the subs. Bodine is watching the sidescan sonar display, where the outline of a huge pointed object is visible. ..